Oct 19, 2014
I get so caught up sometimes in things that don't even matter anymore. Like, I saw a picture of Vincent and I had absolutely no feelings for him. None. And that makes me happy. I have no attraction towards him. It's almost like he's someone that never really existed?

But I still have NO idea what the girl he left me for looks like. I've seen her Tumblr, but there are no photos of her face. What the fuck. It bothers me so bad that I cannot see her face. I just want to know. But I won't. And that's fine, I'll live.

All I care about is Mike's face. I feel like Mike and I are on a completely different level. We're adults. Silly, goofy adults, but adults nonetheless. I "loved" Vincent when I was young and....that's old news

Gotta look forward--keep on keepin' on

I love you, Mike. 



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