But yeah..I can't stop thinking. My mind constantly races and there are some moments I break down and cry and I can't do anything for a good few minutes except sit there and wait until it's over. You hate seeing me cry. You think it's because of you but it's not...it's just me. Honestly, it's just me. I don't know why I'm exactly the way I am, but I've become this...person. Who cries, panics, cries, thinks, wonders, ponders, worries, worries, worries, worries, cries, worries, cries, cries, cries. And lays there....trying to convince myself that nothing is going on. Nothing's wrong. Is there something going on?
Honestly, I know every time I ask you "who texted you?" that you could easily lie to me. I hope you don't. But...you might.
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