Oct 10, 2013
Matt messaged me on Facebook out of the blue tonight. It was nice, we talked about him moving out of his brother's apartment, briefly with his sister, and then now with a co-worker's friend who was looking for a roommate. I'm guessing he's in a good place right nogsw, financially, although we didn't talk much about that. We talked about the people we went to high school now that have gotten pregnant and married over the last few years, which seems to grow every few months. We talked about Mike and our relationship. He talked about how he still hasn't found a girlfriend. The last time Matt had a girlfriend (to my knowledge) was in high school and that was with a girl who thought he was gay. Still, I don't understand Matt...I know that dating is not everything and ultimately it's about finding the right person to be with, but to not even just date for the sake of dating is weird to me. Even I, the girl who believes in romantic relationships over quick flings, have dabbled in going on dates. When I was a freshman I went on a date with guy 8 years older than me, he took me to the Cheesecake factory, then some classic black-and-white horror movie show in Durham, then back to his house where we made out for like an hour. He dropped me back off at my dorm, and he never called me again. So I guess, in some way, that was like a one night stand..but I had fun. And I wonder why he never called me back, though it doesn't matter in the slightest. 

Matt and I also talked about Drake's new album and I knew he would get a kick out of the fact I brought it up. Every time 'Find Your Love' comes on Pandora or the radio I think of us back in high school where we would be in his blue truck just driving around listening to Drake. The thing I miss most about Matt is our conversations. We could just talk about nothing and it was always cool. There was never an awkward moment or dull moment, for that matter. We always had fun, no matter what we did. It's unfortunate that he got into things that weren't so good for him--like smoking weed more. I transitioned out of that phase pretty fast but I guess for him it wasn't that easy. I don't know if he still smokes but I'm sure he does. We didn't talk about it so I can't be sure.

It was nice talking to him though..and I wish we did more often.



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