Oct 20, 2013
I'll love you when we're 40; I'll love you when we're 80. With kids, dogs, a mortgage, insurance, early mornings, late nights, arguments, and every moment in between. I will always love you. I don't care if that sounds naive because I know I mean it. As long as we're partners, I'll stand by your side through good and bad. Thick and thin. Forrest and Jenny. But I promise I won't do drugs or have a kid that you don't know for years. I can't promise I'll be the best wife in the world but I know I'll try my hardest. You asked me tonight if I'll still be attracted to you when we're 80 and I answered 'of course,' and I meant it. 

I know someday you might find this or read it...and if you do, I don't mean to hide all these words from you..I just can't say everything I need to at once. Plus, writing it down makes me feel better.

If you are reading this, I love you. Maybe you're reading this after an argument, or during, or before....but I love you. You may see me crying or laughing or sleeping next to you in bed, and I love you. 

I'll love you when we're old. 



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