Jul 8, 2013
I remember believing that losing your virginity, or just having sex, is this life changing experience that will make you feel whole and loved and special.

But it really isn't. I've finally had my sexual debut...actually in May, sorta, but since I was in Connecticut for about 2 weeks, I was having regular sex. I, me, Rachel, was having regular sex. And it was great. Everything was good. I even had makeup sex WHICH I NEVER UNDERSTOOD BUT NOW I DO AND IT IS EVEN BETTER (maybe)

But yeah, sex is great. I don't feel any different than I did before I had sex.

It's funny though--it's a pretty underwhelming and overwhelming feeling at the same time. Sex, at least the sex I've had, was great. Very great. But thinking back to the time where I was like 15 and thought the first time I'd have sex would be to a Tool song in a dark room with candles and just so awesome...

that seems hilarious now.

Good stuff



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