Jun 10, 2013
The other day Cody came over and brought Chinese food for me and him to eat for late lunch. We sat on the couch, watched TV, and ate. The food wasn't that great but at the end of each Chinese meal, the fortune cookie excites me. I wait the entire meal (sometimes I don't) to find out what my fortune is and somehow relate it to my life.

Mine....well, it wasn't a fortune I wanted. And it's not because it was some lame fortune like "you know the sky is blue so be good to your mother." It was

the exact same fortune I had a little while before I met Vincent. 
"A chance meeting with a stranger could possibly change your life."

And he did. Many ways. Bad ways, good ways. 

I want that part of my life to be...in the past.
And with this fortune resurrecting...I dunno.

It's scary.
What is going to come of it? I hope nothing. When I read it, I didn't know what to say. And when Cody asked what mine was and I told him the situation about it, he was like "...okay." 

To others, it's just a piece of paper with words on it. But to me, I based an entire relationship around it. Like it was destiny. 

So what does it mean this time? 



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